Lady Cynthia McInnis

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First Lady, Evangelist Cynthia McInnis is the wife of the Bishop-Designate Archie L. McInnis, Jr. and the Executive Church Administrator of Full Effect Gospel Ministries, where they are effecting change through faith. Her impeccable and keen administrative skills lend much to the success of this thriving ministry. Although she has gleaned much from her 20 year tenure in New York City’s Corporate America, she attributes her indelible administrative skill to the grace of God and her love for God and ministry work.

In Corporate America, Cynthia was a Computer Systems Analyst holding managerial and supervisory status until she was called into full time ministry by her Pastor. She now oversees the Financial and Administrative departments of Full Effect Gospel Ministries.

Cynthia McInnis has been an Evangelist since 1982 and has assisted closely in ministry all of her adult life. She was saved at twelve years old and soon became a child preacher. Ministry has been her destiny since birth. She is now in great demand in New York City and abroad for her ministry that is graced with her old-fashioned holiness up-bringing and her intensified study of God’s word.

Evangelist McInnis is a naturally funny and caring woman of God whose personality embraces her listeners. She is a wife and mother of three, “and the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her.” She is the self published author of three widely sold books, a playwright, lead vocalist, magazine editor, poetess, preacher, teacher, administrator and friend to women around the world. She is completely sold out to the Lord and to the work of His hands.

Her motto is simply, “I am right where I need to be; and when I learn what I need to learn then I’ll go where I need to go.”

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